WordPress – Divi Portfolio

Hermes Avenue Apartments

Hermes Avenue Apartments

This Divi site features two rental properties on Hermes Avenue in Encinitas. The owner wanted to go with a beach scene for the home page background.

Costa Pointe Apartments

Costa Pointe Apartments Snippet

This Divi site was designed for a large luxury apartment complex in Carlsbad, CA. We had some nice drone shots to use and there is an interactive image map showing nearby attractions.

The Arbors Carlsbad

The Arbors Carlsbad Website Snippet

The Arbors is a large apartment complex in Carlsbad, CA.

Fire Safe Chimney Service

Go to Fire Safe Chimney Service and Repair

This is the Divi website for a chimney sweep and chimney inspector based in the area near Branson, MO.

Great Republic Lofts

Great Republic Lofts - Home Page Snippet

Featured here is the website for Great Republic Lofts – an historic building in Downtown Los Angeles, CA.

Techno Appliance Repair

Go to Techno Appliance Repair Website

Featured in this Divi site is an appliance repair company based in Orlando, FL. I have used this as a template for other appliance repair websites in different regions of the country.

Oliva CPA

Go to Oliva-CPA.com

Here is the Divi website for a CPA firm in the UTC area of San Diego.

Let’s Get the Ball Rolling

Contact me via email or phone to discuss your Divi project.

Email: jan@alittlepieceoftheweb.com

Phone: 619 208-3301

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